Monday 24 February 2014

artist research for fmp

peter blake, hes a english pop artist, best known for co-creating the sleeve for the beetles album. he lives in london. in the 1950 he became one of the well known pop artists, at this time his art work was more or less advertisment work for example music, resters, entertainment ect...
blake was invited to see exhibitions in groups at the institute of contemperry arts. and had his first exhibitation by his self in 1960. he came from dartford, kent. he studied at gravesent art school from 1948-1950. won an award for the leverhulme research award to study popular art work and he travailed in holland, Belgium, France, italy and spain from 1956 to 1957. and he was influenced by american realist painters.

banksy, he is from bristol and he is a graffiti artist, political activities, film director and painter and sculpture work. he bases his work on dark humor using satirical street art combine with graffiti. he uses distinctive stenciling techniques.

Raoul Hausmann was a great Australia artist and writer, he especially and questioned the need for war. he does collage work, experimental photographic collages, sound poetry and institutional critiques would have a profound influence  . most of his work tends to symbolizes or mean something or other. 

eduardo paolozzi he made his work show the vishion of how he saw the world. he used alot of his imagination in his work. he came to the public's attention in 1950's by making screenprints and amazing sculptures. he did surrealist art work and worked threw a wide range of medias threw out his career.

tony cragg works mainly as a sculptor. he studyd at gloucester college of art and design and then at wembledon school of art.

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