Monday 16 December 2013

study case on cubism

Cubism started in the 1907. Artist that where involved in the start of the cubism movment are Pablo Picasso, George Braque and Paule Cezanne and les demoiselles. They annals the art work then cut out shapes then fit it together so it is recognizable. The first cubist painting was made by George Braque it was called violin and candelstick. the insparation came from representation of three dimensional form, the way it looked abstracted and african mask carvings.

 cubism was the firs abstract art style its called Analytic cubism.

PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973)'Still Life with mandolin and Guitar', 1924 (oil on canvas) second cubism is called Synthetic cubism the cubism style emphasizes the flat two dimentinal surface of the picture plan.

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