Monday 16 December 2013

jaume plensa

 Jaume Plensa, is from Barcelona, Spain.
Plensa is one of the first sculptors to work in public. He has more than 30 art projects around the world in the following citys chicago, Dublin, London, Liverpool, Nice, Tokeyo, Toronto, Vancover. Plensa  has work in the yorkshire skulpture park called " in the mist of dreams". his main subject in his work is public sculpturing. he said quote "he gets insperation from around the world". his visual style is people made out of metal that has been carven in to words or letters. he likes his work to be bold and he uses bland colous white, metal grey, rusty brown. he uses metal and plastics for his materialls. plensa works on making his skulptures figurative, he molds the materals in to human shapes/forms. his work belongs to impressionism, because he makes his work stand out.

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