Wednesday 18 December 2013

wire head

i did not enjoy making the wire head because it was difficult to bend the wire to make it look like you. plus the wire wouldn't stay in the same Poisson you bent it to lie detail in the face like eyes nose and mouth and ears you had to put them in all the places where it was hard to atach to cause there was no metal in that place to succor it.

Monday 16 December 2013

study case part 2

exapmle of cubism.
the artist has looked at the picture then ripped or cut up the peices and reorganized them. technices are that they've cut them up in to all difrent types of shaoes and placed them in a difrnt for to make a difrent looking picture. materials used will be sicors or free hand ripping and paper ad glue to stick the materials back down.

study case on cubism

Cubism started in the 1907. Artist that where involved in the start of the cubism movment are Pablo Picasso, George Braque and Paule Cezanne and les demoiselles. They annals the art work then cut out shapes then fit it together so it is recognizable. The first cubist painting was made by George Braque it was called violin and candelstick. the insparation came from representation of three dimensional form, the way it looked abstracted and african mask carvings.

 cubism was the firs abstract art style its called Analytic cubism.

PABLO PICASSO (1881-1973)'Still Life with mandolin and Guitar', 1924 (oil on canvas) second cubism is called Synthetic cubism the cubism style emphasizes the flat two dimentinal surface of the picture plan.

jaume plensa

 Jaume Plensa, is from Barcelona, Spain.
Plensa is one of the first sculptors to work in public. He has more than 30 art projects around the world in the following citys chicago, Dublin, London, Liverpool, Nice, Tokeyo, Toronto, Vancover. Plensa  has work in the yorkshire skulpture park called " in the mist of dreams". his main subject in his work is public sculpturing. he said quote "he gets insperation from around the world". his visual style is people made out of metal that has been carven in to words or letters. he likes his work to be bold and he uses bland colous white, metal grey, rusty brown. he uses metal and plastics for his materialls. plensa works on making his skulptures figurative, he molds the materals in to human shapes/forms. his work belongs to impressionism, because he makes his work stand out.

Otto Dix

 Otto Dix
 He was a German painter and print maker. he was from gera, germane. his main subject painting,and works on paper devoted to the theme of war he was inspired by the First World War novel written by the French soldier Henri Barbusse. and he was inspired by trends in Italy and France. his work is impressionism he tends to use visitant colours but has used some colours that are not really there. some of his paintings are not in proportion. he uses abit of imagination in his paintings. media he uses water colours, graphics and sculpturing.

Frida Kahlo

 Frida Kahol
is from coyoacan, mexico. She's a painter she used oil paints.
she was best known for her oil paintings. but she used other media such as water colours, pencil to paper and ink. what influences her is people and events that happen and also when she was a teenager she was involved with a tragic accident she involves situations like that in her work the way she paints and the way she has painted. the visitant style she uses is to paint herself and she also shows passion in her work alot of meaningfulness is used plus she uses natural colours and has alot of tone in her work. texture she uses her brush so she'll                                                                          have  very thin lines. her work is impressionism.

Wednesday 11 December 2013