Tuesday 25 March 2014

frida kahlo

 my grandparents my parents and me.   Frida kahlo
the wounded deer.
 the tree of hope remains strong.
without hope.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

4 picture story

this is a story board of someone that docent really care about society and liters on the floor and then someone that sees this person littering and actually cares about how the town and society looks and is genuine enough to pic up the litterers litter up and puts the rubbish where it belongs in the bin. exactly where the litterer should be.

 Cindy Sherman began studying painting in 1972, at the age of eighteen, at the State University of New York, Buffalo. In 1975, she changed her major from painting to photography. 

duane michals, in 1956 he went to study at parsons school of design. he taught himself to do photography. he was a commercial photographer for a number of years, and he also was involved in the film the great gatsby.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

apply knowledge and understanding

abstract, contemory, historical, photojournalism, commercial or editorial photography. out of all these id say that I'm influenced by abstract and editorial photography because there probably the two ones that actually interest me because there fasanaiting to look at.

henri cartier analys

henri cartier does photorealist pictures his work is realistic and i say a little photo journalism because his pictures describe kinda whats going on like you get a good observational of what its about. it looks like he ttys to make it a tad historical cause its like old fashiond cloths and a old camera setting like black and white or grey. and i personally think that he's edited his photographs so he's most likely used editorial photography to.

difference between primary and secondary research

primary and secondary research primary is your research that you've found out and secondary is someone else's research.

photography layering townscape

 i used photo shop to layer/overlap the pictures and i changed the colors and lighting. i liked doing this work because it was interesting and i liked experimenting with all the colors and filters and the different buttons.

Monday 10 March 2014

templates/ illustrator

Templates on blogger is used to make the picture that you've put up on the screen more see threw so you can use pen tool to go over it to make an out line of it but thats all I've used it for so far. there probably more uses for it but i shall use them in the future some time perhaps. but template is just used as a see threw template that you just draw around.

difference between selection tool and direct selection tool

Selection Tool, the selection tool grabs hold oh a hole part of a piece and you could use it for changing the width of lines or color or style of line ect.

direct selection tool, this tool changes shapes of lines or shapes it grips hold of where you have selected it then you can move it to where ever you want warp it.

exploring shapes/ Illustrator

these are the shapes that I've made and colourd. this was just like a tester just seeing what some of the different buttons do.
it was good to learn abit more about illustrator.

Dot to dot duck/ illustrator

 my dot to dot duck i had to use pen tool to curve the out line of the duck and sometimes it wouldn't always go to plan so i would have to re do it again but overall it turned out fine.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


this is a pameramic photograph its a group of three or four photographs to put together to make a long photograph. this pameramic is of townscape. we went out in groups and took photographs going up or down or side ways i did mine going sideways because i preferred it. but basically when we got back from taking the photographs i put my pictures up on to photoshop and created my pameramic picture from there, putting the peaces together.

panoramic research, there isn't any panoramic artists some artists do try or do panoramic photographs but i picked out some panoramic pictures that i liked and i could resemble to because i based my panoramic on town scape and so have these photo graphs.

patterns on illustraiter

these are all the designs that i made for my patterns on adobe illustrator we got shown a variety of tools to use for it i used a couple of the edits.